Local Currencies
You can pay on Appirox in several different currencies. For your convenience, prices will be rounded up to the closest number. At checkout, you will see the accurate amount to be paid. Unless stated otherwise, you will be charged in the currency displayed on the payment page. All currency exchange services in connection with payments in local currencies are performed by Appirox Payment Services Providers. In certain cases, however, when certain currencies are not supported by certain payment methods, you will be charged in US$ even if the price is displayed in another currency. In any event, the actual charged amount (in the actual payment currency) will be clearly disclosed to you before you complete the payment.
Note that all prices on Appirox are derived always from their original US$ price and, therefore, non-US$ currency prices may change daily in accordance with exchange rate fluctuations and may also include conversion fees. Buyers always have the option to pay in US$ by changing their currency.
If you paid for an Order in a currency other than US$ and your Order was later canceled for any reason, the amount returned to your Appirox Balance would be based on the exchange rate as of the date of cancellation. Therefore, the returned amount may vary from the paid amount in local currency terms, while always maintaining the same US$ value.
Your Appirox Balance is always valued in US$, even if it is displayed in a non-US$ currency. Therefore, should you choose to view your Appirox Balance in any currency other than US$, it may change daily in accordance with exchange rate fluctuations, while always maintaining the same US$ value. Users always have the option to view their Appirox Balance in US$ by changing their selected displayed currency.
Last updated