
  • Appirox does not automatically refund payments made for canceled orders back to your payment provider. Funds from order cancellations are returned to the Buyer's Appirox Balance and are available for future purchases on Appirox. Appirox returns service fees to your Appirox Balance once an order is canceled. In any event, if the service fees were not returned to your Appirox Balance following an order cancelation, such service fees’ amount will be exempted from your next purchase on Appirox.

  • Deposit refunds (i.e. refunds directly to your payment provider) can be performed by our Customer Support team, based on the Order’s original payment amount and currency. To prevent fraud and abuse, we limit the total amount of times users can request a payment provider refund, which is subject to review by our Customer Support team. Such refunds may be subject to an additional fee.

Last updated